Great Childhood Memories


My grandparents took me to the club as a child. I remember the tennis pro Bob Reid very well. There is irony in Mr. Reid being with us at 98. Decades ago, the last I heard of him was an anecdote my father related. Apparently, Mr. Reid was not seen at his accustom haunts, and somehow my grandparents thought they had come to know he had died. One day Mr. Reid called my grandparents, Robert and Glenn Seeley, who, as I mentioned, lived a mile further down the road that runs in front of Keswick Hall. My aunt answered the phone and blurted out, "Mr. Reid!! We thought you were dead!" It's a wonder the man did not have a heart attack right then and there. In being able to visit with Mr. Reid again recently, you have given me an unexpected and most appreciated opportunity to remember a happy part of my childhood. I find a stanza repeating in my head

Backward, turn backward, oh Time in thy flight Make me a child again, just for tonight!

Sylvia Seeley